November 26, 2011

November 26th

Great Day of workouts! We had someone in every class! I guess everyone wants to burn off all that thanksgiving food. -Team WOD- Will be made up on the spot. Hope to see you all here at 10:00AM. It’s a free workout so bring a friend! Class Sign In …

November 25, 2011

November 25th

-WOD- Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds of: – 1min box jumps 20″/18″ – 1min sumo deadlift high pull 75/55# – 1min Wall Ball 20/12# – 1min Row – 1min push press 75/55# – 1min Rest Class Sign In …

November 24, 2011

November 24th

Only one class today at 8:00AM. Come get a nice workout in before you stuff your face with thanksgiving dinner. -WOD- Helen -400 meter Run -21 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1pood -12 Pull Ups This is a benchmark workout so remember to write down your times Class Sign In …

November 23, 2011

November 23rd

Schedule for the rest of the week Thursday – Only one class at 8:00AM Friday –  Normal schedule Saturday – Normal schedule Here is a great video from Kelly Starrett about being in good position. -WOD- Death by shoulder to overhead @ 115/65 #’s 1 Shoulder to overhead the first minute 2 shoulder to overhead the second minute 3 the thir …

November 22, 2011

November 22nd

Here is a great blog regarding women, weight training and body perception. My brother sent this my way a few days ago and it’s perfect for the workout were doing today. Also I hear the question all the time “why am I not losing any weight?” I hope you’re all able to take the time to read this and enjoy it as much as I did. ht …

November 21, 2011

November 21st

Get ready for the XS Benchmark WOD. Make sure you have a place to write this workout and your time down. We’ll be doing this WOD again in around a month from now. If you were thinking about what days this week to make it in the gym. I’ll make it really easy for you.  TODAY!!! -WOD- -500m Row -40 Air Squats -30 Sit Ups -20 Push Ups -10 Pull Ups …