June 2, 2012

June 2nd

-TEAM WOD- Get ready for some fun as a team! Feel free to bring a friend to try CrossFit. Class Sign In Today’s Results (This can only be seen if you’re logged in) [hide] [/hide] …

June 1, 2012

June 1st

-WOD- Back Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1 Tabata Bottom to bottom (This has to do with air squats) Class Sign In Today’s Results (This can only be seen if you’re logged in) [hide] 7:00AM – Willie 200# / Tabata 11reps – Deb 110# / Tabata 8reps 4:30PM – Mindy 135# / Tabata 13reps – Heather 175# / Tabata 17reps [/hide] …

May 31, 2012

May 31st

Most of you all know Mark. He is driving/moving back to Boston today. Just want to say have a safe drive and we’ll miss ya buddy. Everyone feel free to post in comments your goodbye. Mark said he will keep up with CrossFit and watch our site a lot! -WOD- 15min AMRAP – 100m Run – 3 Pull Ups – 3 Push Ups – 3 Sit Ups – 100 …

May 30, 2012

May 30th

Here is a pic from the wedding I was at in Florida this past weekend. Great work on the Filthy Fifty everyone!!! That is a crazy workout. Mark had a sore lower back and still pushed though it. I love seeing that kind of effort! Keep it up guys. -WOD- Snatch work 10 sets of 1 Power Snatch, 1 Squat snatch try to work up in weight each set 1000m Row for time …

May 29, 2012

May 29th

Hope you all had a great weekend! -WOD- Filthy Fifty For Time: – 50 Box Jumps (24/18″) – 50 Jumping Pull Ups – 50 KB Swings (35/26#) – 50 Walking Lunges – 50 Knees to Elbows – 50 Push Press (45/35#) – 50 Hip Extensions – 50 Wall Ball Shots @ 10′ (20/14#) – 50 Burpees – 50 Double Unders Class Sign In Toda …

May 28, 2012

May 28th

-TEAM WOD- Workout will be made up by Mindy on the spot. Bring a friend in! It’s FREE!!! Class Sign In Today’s Results (This can only be seen if you’re logged in) [hide] [/hide] …