December 4, 2011

December 4th

Great team workout Saturday! I love seeing all the new faces. Rest up for some fun workouts this week, -REST DAY- If you missed a few workouts this week,  hit this in home WOD. 5 Rounds of: 10 Lunges 10 Burpees …

December 3, 2011

December 3rd

-TEAM WOD- Come enjoy a fun team workout! We’ll be doing a few things we haven’t done before. Class Sign In

December 1, 2011

December 1st

-WOD- Work up to your 1 rep max pull up 15min AMRAP 1 Rope climb 5 handstand push ups 10 air squats 15 sit ups Class Sign In

November 29, 2011

November 29th

-WOD- 2 Rounds of: 3 minute AMRAP – 7 Kb swings 53/35# – 3 Pull Ups rest 1 minute 3 minute AMRAP – 7 Kb SDHP’s 53/35# – 3 Push Ups rest 1 minute Class Sign In