April 20, 2012

April 20th

-WOD- 400m Run Death by Push Ups/KB Swing Min 1 – 1 Push Up & 1 KB Swing 53/35# Min 2 – 2 Push Ups & 2 KB Swings min 3 – 3 Push Ups & 3 KB Swings Keep going up until you fail to complete the number of reps in the minute. Class Sign In …

April 19, 2012

April 19th

-WOD- Front Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1 7 Rounds Of: – 10 Sit-Up Wall balls – 10 Double Unders Class Sign In

April 17, 2012

April 17th

There were some nice OHS and Pull Up PRs!!! Keep it up everyone! Don’t forget about our grand opening party this Saturday night from 5pm to 10pm. Feel free to bring some food or drinks. We will BBQ some delicious meat and watch the UFC. Bring friends and family! Don’t worry, they don’t have to do CrossFit. Come hangout with the XS …

April 16, 2012

April 16th

It was a great Saturday workout!!! Below is a picture of Thomas giving it his all with short time left! Here is Aaron floating up to the 24″ box -WOD- You will have 12min to find your – 3-rep Overhead Squat Max – Max total pull-ups in 3 attempts this can be done in any order example – 155# for 3 reps on OHS = 155 – Pull Ups &#8 …