June 16, 2012

June 16th

-TEAM WOD- Will be made up on the spot. Bring a friend! Class Sign In Today’s Results (This can only be seen if you’re logged in) [hide] [/hide]

June 15, 2012

June 15th

This has been a great week! Thursday was a 9 Class day! That’s the most amount of classes XS CrossFit has ever had in one day. Finish this week off right. Push to make it in and get a great workout. -WOD- 25 Wall Balls (20#/14#) 100m Row 20 Wall Balls 200m Row 15 Wall Balls 300m Row 10 Wall Balls 400m Row 5 Wall Balls 500m Row Class Sign In Today’s …

June 14, 2012

June 14th

If you want to start CrossFit and are waiting for a good time. You’ll never find it! It’s always easy to find any excuse. Start today! With a free 1st class come in and check it out. -WOD- 4 min AMRAP 10 Ring Rows 20 Double unders Hold a Plank for 1min and repeat for a total of 3 Rounds (The Plank will only be done between rounds so 2x total) …

June 13, 2012

June 13th

-WOD- 13min AMRAP – 8 Bar Lunges (95/65#) – 10 Handstand Push Ups – 8 Bar Lunges (95/65#) – 200m Run Class Sign In Today’s Results (This can only be seen if you’re logged in) [hide] 9:00AM – Tina 4+25 (Mods: 55#, Green & Red Bands) – Lucas 4+3 (Mods: 75#, Black & Red Bands) – Kathy 3+8 (Mods: 35#, …

June 12, 2012

June 12th

Here is a great pic of Jeff and Sam wearing XS CrossFit proudly! If any of you have a good pic send it my way and I’ll get it up on the site. -WOD- 21-15-9 reps of: – Pull Ups – KB Swings (53/35#) – GHD Sit Ups Class Sign In Today’s Results (This can only be seen if you’re logged in) [hide] 7:00AM – Lucas 8:34 (Mod: 3 …

June 11, 2012

June 11th

-WOD- Bear Complex Complete 1 set by performing 7 Rounds Of: 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Push Press 1 Back Squat 1 Push Press 5 Total Sets to find your max load * Rest between sets as needed 250m Row for time Rules of the Bear Complex: 1. No resting on the ground (even to re-grip). Failure to do so designates a failed set and the athlete must stop. 2. Failed …