August 8, 2022

Volunteer Sign Up for In-House Comp!
– We need Judges and event crew. If you’re not able to compete we can definitely use the help making this a great event. Here is the link to sign up as a Volunteer.
In-house competition Heat Sheet!!!
Check out the heat times for the in-house competition. WOD #2 will be posted Wednesday at noon.
No classes on Saturday!
XS CrossFit – Barbell Club
2 Rounds NFT
100m KB farmer’s carry
8/8 bottoms up KB press
10 push ups
15 KB Swings
Push Press + Push Jerk
5-6 sets to find a “heavy” complex of 1 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk
* 5-10# more than last week
Pause Clean (7 x 2 (build))
Pause in the catch