• We’ll have prizes for the top 3 teams.
  • We’ll also have a prize for the team with the best uniforms.
  • The competition will start on Saturday August 13th at 8am and end by 4pm.

When things will be posted

  • Teams will be posted by 8/5.
  • WOD #1 will be posted by 8/8.
  • Heat Times will be posted by 8/9.
  • WOD #2 will be posted by 8/10.
  • WOD #3 will be posted by 8/11.
  • WOD #4 (The Final) will be announced at the comp.

Teams - (Posted)


  • Catie O.
  • Chad A.
  • Jackie E.
  • Josh R.


  • Elliott W.
  • Eric B.
  • Jasmine M.
  • Sammie S.


  • Brittany O.
  • David B.
  • Denise G.
  • Ryan N.

Navy Blue

  • Jimmie K.
  • Craig J.
  • Julie B.
  • Cici E.


  • Fernanda R.
  • Jim K.
  • Kade S.
  • Katarina M.


  • Alex Em.
  • Amanda N
  • Jamie P.
  • Sean O.


  • Amanda S.
  • Jenna E.
  • Luis G.
  • Luke M.

Heat Times - (Posted)

Click Here for the heat sheet.

WOD #1 - (Posted)

Event 1 (A&B) – 20 Minutes Total Time

Dumb and Dumber

A is 10 Minutes and B is 10 Minutes

Score A – 4 x 2:30 AMRAP sections

  • Each 2:30 section starts with 8 Synchronized Plate Overhead Lunges (15/25/35/45)
  • In remaining amount of time 2 athletes will enter work floor and perform prescribed movement. 1 athlete working at a time.

First 2:30

  • 8 (all 4 athletes) Synchronized Plate Overhead Lunges
  • Max (2 athletes) Pull Ups. (1 person working at a time)

Second 2:30

  • 8 (all 4 athletes) Synchronized Plate Overhead Lunges
  • Max (2 athletes) Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) (1 person working at a time)

Third 2:30

  • 8 (all 4 athletes) Synchronized Plate Overhead Lunges
  • Max (2 athletes) Axel Bar Shoulder to Overhead (65#/50#) (1 person working at a time)

Fourth 2:30

  • 8 (all 4 athletes) Synchronized Plate Overhead Lunges
  • Max (2 athletes) Toes to Rings (1 person working at a time)


Score B – 4 x 2:30 AMRAP sections

  • Each 2:30 section starts with 6 Synchronized Burpees to a Plate (15/25/35/45)
  • In remaining amount of time 2 athletes will enter work floor and perform prescribed movement. 1 athlete working at a time.

First 2:30

  • 6 (all 4 athletes) Synchronized Burpees to a Plate
  • Max (2 athletes different than Part A Pull Up athletes) Chest to Bar Pull ups (1 person working at a time)

Second 2:30

  • 6 (all 4 athletes) Synchronized Burpees to a Plate
  • Max (2 athletes different than Part A Box Jump athletes) High Box Jump Overs (30″/24″) (1 person working at a time)

Third 2:30

  • 6 (all 4 athletes) Synchronized Burpees to a Plate
  • Max (2 athletes different than Part A Shoulder to Overhead athletes) Heavy Axel Bar Shoulder to Overhead (95#/65#) (1 person working at a time)

Fourth 2:30

  • 6 (all 4 athletes) Synchronized Burpees to a Plate
  • Max (2 athletes different than Part A Toes to Rings athletes) Toes to Bar (1 person working at a time)



On 3-2-1- GO.. The team of 4 will complete the synchro movement Overhead Plate Synchronized Lunges. In the remainder 2:30, 2 athletes will enter the workout floor and work 1 at a time on the movement.  Only those 2 athletes may work on that movement.

At the next 2:30 section all athletes will again perform the team of 4 synchronized movement, in the remainder of the time, the same 2 athlete or any 2 athletes will come out to the workout floor and perform the next prescribed movement.

This will continue for the next 2 sections and will go directly into Part B.

When Part B begins all 4 athletes will perform synchronized Burpees to Plate – in the remainder of the time, 2 athletes, different than the movement 1 athletes go out to the workout floor.

Continue for the next 3 movements.

So if athlete A and B perform pull ups in Round 1 they can not perform Chest to Bar Pull ups in Round 2, it will now be athlete C and D.

Athlete A and B could do all of Round 1 and athlete C and D could do all of Round 2, or it could be mixed the entire time as long as the same athlete is not performing the corresponding movement in part B.

Movement Standards:

Overhead Plate Synchronized Lunges:

  • Lunges all knees (Same Legs) at the bottom of lunge and all athletes are standing with hips and knees open at the top of the lunge.
  • Alternating Legs each Lunge

Burpees to Plate:

  • All athletes start on the plate
  • All athletes chests on the floor at same time
  • All athletes hop to plate.
  • All athletes stand with feet on top of the plate at same time

Pull ups:

  • Athletes will start from a position where arms are fully extended and feet are off the ground.
  • Athletes will perform a pull up getting their chin over the top of the bar height.
  • Each team will have 1 green band setup on the pull up bars for a spotted pull up.
  • It is your call if an athlete uses the green band to put a foot in for pull ups.

Chest to Bar Pull Ups:

  • Athletes will start from a position where arms are fully extended and feet are off the ground.
  • Athletes will perform a pull up where the athletes chest (clavicle to belly button) touch the bar.

Box Jump Overs:

  • Athlete will start on 1 side of the box.
  • They will perform a 2 foot jump from the ground.
  • 2 feet will touch the top of the box.
  • Athlete does not need to stand on top of the box.
  • Athlete may step or jump down on the opposite side of the box.

Axel Bar Shoulder to Overhead:

  • Barbell starts on the floor.
  • Athletes will clean the bar to the shoulders and perform a movement to receive the barbell overhead.
  • Athlete may perform a strict press, push press, push jerk or split jerk.
  • Barbell must be overhead, where arms are in line with the ears and hip and knees are open when barbell is overhead.

Toes to Ring:

  • Athletes will start with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
  • Athlete will finish the movement with the toes through the rings.

Toes to Bar:

  • Athlete will start with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
  • Athlete will finish the movement with the toes touching the bar.

WOD #2 - (Posted)

Event 2 (A&B) – 20 Minutes Total Time

I’m going to hang by the bar. Put out the vibe!

  • 1 Partner will be working on a 1 Rep Max Clean, while the 3 remaining partners work on meters rowed on 2 rowers.
  • Partner 1 will have 5 minutes to work on 1RM Clean.
  • Partners 2, 3 and 4 may change at anytime on the rower.
  • At the 5 minute mark a new athlete will work on a 1 Rep Max Clean, while the 3 remaining athletes will be working on the row.
  • This will continue for the 2 more 5 minute rounds until all athletes have performed a Clean.
  • Both rowers will be accumulating meters, but the score will be the lowest amount of meters of the 2 rowers.

Score A is the total weight successfully lifted by each person on the team. Female lifts will be multiplied by 1.46.

Score B is the lowest amount of meters of the 2 Rowers (you want to have the highest amount of lowest meters!)

  • Clean
    • Barbell will start from the floor with weights secured with clips.
    • Hang Clean,  Squat Clean, Power Clean and Split Clean will be allowed.
    • Barbell must be received in a front rack position where elbows are in front of the barbell and stood to the finish position where athletes hips and knees are open and feet are in line.
    • The athlete that is not rowing or lifting can help the athlete that is lifting change weights but must be out of the lifting box before the bar can be lifted.
    • The lifting box must be totally clear before the athlete can make an attempt.
    • Weights that will be in each section.
      • 1 – 45# Barbell
      • 1 – 35# Barbell
      • 8 – 45# Plates
      • 2 – 35# Plates
      • 4 – 25# Plates
      • 4 – 15# Plates
      • 4 – 10# Plates
      • 2 – 5# Plates
      • 2 – 2.5# Plates
      • 2 – Clips

WOD #3 - (Posted)

Event 3 (A&B) – For Time

According to the map, we’ve only gone 4 inches

  • For Time:
    • Relay 2 Athletes each run 400m
    • Relay 2 Athletes each run 200m
    • Full Team (All 4 Athletes) together run 400m

Score A: First 1200m (4 laps) Relay time

Score B: Final team 400m (last lap with everyone) time

  • Flow:
    • 1 runner with nothing
    • 1 runner with an 18# KB
    • 1 runner with a 25# slam ball
    • 1 runner with a 50# sandbag
    • Last 400m with everyone carry equipment however
  • Details:
    • This is a relay event where 1 runner is going at a time.
    • Team can pick the order of the 2-400’s and 2-200’s, as well as who is running with what odd object.
    • When the 4th runner comes in, all runners will leave for the final 400m with all of the odd objects.
    • Runners do not need to run the final team 400m with the same odd object they had originally, teammates may trade their odd object with another teammate.

Teams will have their own box with their equipment. The next runner may not leave until the runner coming in is in the team’s box.

WOD #4 - You will get Wet!

Find out at the competition. You will get Wet! Not a bad idea to bring Goggles and a Bathing Suit.