August 6, 2022
    by Alex Etzen


    Volunteer Sign Up for In-House Comp!
    – We need Judges and event crew. If you’re not able to compete we can definitely use the help making this a great event. Here is the link to sign up as a Volunteer.

    2022 Team Competition Volunteer

    In-house competition Teams!!!
    Check out the teams for the in-house competition. I suggest getting in contact with your team. Workouts will start getting posted next week and you’ll definitely need to talk strategy.

    2022 Team Competition

    WOD #1 will be posted Monday by Noon!

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    3 Rounds NFT

    15 Banded Curl

    15 Banded Upright Row

    15 Banded Good morning

    10 push ups

    Dumbbell Bench Press (4 x 8)

    Dumbbell Z Press (5 x 8 )

    Overhead Press from the seated position on the ground

    Supine Tricep Extensions (3 x 10)

    On a flat bench start with the arms locked out over the shoulders, flex the arms back behind the head (as far back as your mobility will allow), elbows will roughly be about forehead level, then re-extend the arms back the lock out.

    Double KB Front Squat (4 x 15)

    Kettlebells in the front rack position

    Straight Legged Deadlift (Dumbbells, 4 x 10)