October 16, 2011

October 16th

-At Home WOD- 15 min AMRAP of: 30 Double Unders (3 Singles = 1 Double Under) 20 Air Squats 10 Mountain Climbers

October 15, 2011

October 15th

Great week of workouts everyone. Remember Saturday workouts at 10am are free so bring a friend. Get ready for some fun with Med Balls. It’s going to be a med ball team WOD made up on the spot! …

October 11, 2011

October 11th

-WOD- With a running clock perform: 1 ring dip the first min, 2 ring dips the second min, 3 the third min, and so on until you cant complete the number within the 1min time

October 10, 2011

October 10th

Hope you all had a good weekend. Start this week off  with a great workout. Step in the door and I’ll take care of the rest. -WOD- 3 Rounds For Time of: Run 400m 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls #75/55 10 Wall Balls #20/12   …