April 27, 2012

April 27th

-WOD- 2 Rounds of: 25 calorie Row 25 Overhead Lunges 45/25 25 Hip Extensions 25 Cleans 135/95 25 Sit Ups 25 Wall Balls 20/14 Class Sign In

April 26, 2012

April 26th

-WOD- A little fun with hollow rock Work on something you SUCK at. Think about what that is before you come to class Total reps of: 30sec Double Unders 30sec Rest 60sec Double Unders 30sec Rest 90sec Double Unders 30sec Rest 120sec Double Unders 30sec Rest 90sec Double Unders 30sec Rest 60sec Double Unders 30sec Rest 30sec Double Unders Class Sign In …

April 25, 2012

April 25th

The sunset at XS CrossFit tonight! -WOD- Max Weighted Pull Up 5-5-3-3-1-1-Max (if you can’t do a pull up then find the smallest band that your able to do one on) 8 Min AMRAP – 40 yard farmers walk 72/53# – 10 Push Ups – 1 Rope Climb 20′ Class Sign In …

April 24, 2012

April 24th

Nice work on the XS Benchmark workout! Everyone that did it last month had a better time this month. Joann had a PR by 3 minutes!!! It should be a beautiful day so lets do something you all like so much. RUNNING!!! -WOD- Nancy 5 Rounds of: – 400m Run – 15 Overhead Squats 95/65# Class Sign In …

April 23, 2012

April 23rd

Saturday was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone that came. If you weren’t able to make it don’t worry we’ll be doing more parties like this soon! -WOD- XS Benchmark – 500m Row – 40 Squats – 30 Set Ups – 20 Push Ups – 10 Pull Ups – 500m Row Class Sign In …