September 17, 2014
    by Alex Etzen

    100 day challenge starts today! If you’ve never done this before pick a movement like Push Ups or Burpees. Start by doing 1 rep today 2 reps tomorrow and 3 the next day until you hit day 100 and do 100 reps. This will end on Christmas day. The goal is to not let yourself slip over the holidays. Make sure to pick a movement you can do at home or in a hotel room if you travel. Sorry for the short notice. I hope to see a lot of people do this. If you’re already in the middle of doing this don’t start over just keep going.


    3 Min Max Pullups (1 pullup = 1 rep)
    1 Min Rest
    3 Min Max Deadlift (225/155#) (1 deadlift = 2 reps)
    1 Min Rest
    3 Min Wall Walks (1 wall walk = 3 reps)

    score is total reps

    Today’s Results