September 16, 2015
    by Alex Etzen

    We are doing an in house Team XS CrossFit competition on October 3rd. It will start at 9am and end around 3pm. It is $40 to sign up. Please let Alex know if you are interested. We will start a sign up list on the whiteboard in the gym. Alex will make the teams out of everyone that signs up.

    We will have an XS CrossFit 4 year party on October 3rd starting at 6pm. Feel free to bring food or drinks. This could be a great time to show off that great Lurong meal you have! We will start a signup list for the Rolling Competition we will be doing at the party.

    We had a handful of people do the Tough Mudder this past weekend (Kelly, Wendy, Adam C., Amy C. and Krista). Way to represent XS CrossFit. You guys ROCK! Sorry if i forgot anyone else that went.


    400m Sprint For Time

    8min AMRAP Of:
    – 8 V-Ups
    – 16 Russian Twists 35/25#
    – 100m Sprint