May 7, 2014
    by Alex Etzen

    It’s official! XS CrossFit is now home to three USA Weightlifting Level -1 Sports Performance coaches. Congratulations to coaches Lance, Justin and T.J. on passing their USAW cert!

    I know everyone has been waiting a long time for this but the body fat competition results are in and have been calculated. Remember this is all based on the percentage drop from your first test to the second test. If someone started at 10% and dropped to 9% and someone else started at 20% and dropped to 18% they would both tie at a 10% drop. All of the top 5 were at more than a 10% drop.
    1st – Pete Waller ($100 XS Gift Card & $100 credit at Max Muscle)
    2nd – Martin Isdale ($80 XS Gift Card)
    3rd – Matt Phillips ($60 XS Gift Card)
    4th – Julia Smith ($40 XS Gift Card)
    5th – Dustin LaButte ($20 XS Gift Card)
    Congratulations to everyone that did the competition and made improvement! Please remember that we will set up a body fat test for whenever works best for you. A single test is $25 and if you would like to do a test now and set one up for the future it is $40 total.


    1000m Row For Time
    Rest 4min (or as long as your partner takes to row)
    – 1000m Row For Time
    Rest 4min (or as long as your partner takes to row)
    – 1000m Row For Time
    Rest 4min (or as long as your partner takes to row)

    Each row is timed individually.

    Today’s Results