July 30, 2014
    by Alex Etzen

    Flag Football
    Our first playoff game is at 7:30pm on Thursday. We will have practice at 6pm.

    Sunday XS Body Weight Comp
    I want to go over a few thing about the small CrossFit competition we are doing on Sunday, August 3rd.

    1. It’s a 2 person team CrossFit competition. You can have any combination of team meaning (man, man) (man, woman) (woman, woman).

    2. The weights used in this competition are based off of your body weight. Men use 100% of body weight and women use 75% of body weight. Here is a little example of how a body weight competition works.
    30 Clean and Jerks @ 70% BW
    – 200# male would have to do 140#
    – 160# female would have to do 84#
    (160x.75=120#) (120x.7=84#)

    3. This event will be a lot of fun! I promise if you are interested in trying a competition you will enjoy this one. Nothing is going to be crazy heavy or too advanced.

    4. Competition starting at 8am.  After the completion at 1pm Jeff K. will man the grill for Sam K. going away bbq.

    5. Please put together your team and email me at [email protected]. If you don’t have someone to join you let me know and I will find someone to be on your team. Let me know ASAP!

    Fall Coed Kickball
    We will be starting kickball Sunday evening. The first game is at 8pm at OBrien Park. It is $25 per person for the season. Put your name on the whiteboard if you are interested in playing.


    Back Squat

    5 Rounds Of:
    – 9 Thrusters 95/65#
    – 9 Pull Ups

    Today’s Results