December 16, 2015
    by Alex Etzen
    Bring a White Elephant gift that’s not more then $10. Remember to keep it PG.

    We are doing a holiday party on Friday December 18th starting at 7pm. We will give out prizes for the top finishers of the winter challenge. Feel free to bring food. We will also probably do some rowling. I’ll post more about it throughout the week.

    We are getting a group together to go to the Avalanche game on Saturday December 19th. The game starts at 8pm but we are thinking of meeting at Brooklyns for dinner first at 6pm. Please buy your tickets and put your name on the whiteboard if you’re going. Here is a link to get tickes. They are only $20 each.

    Box Squats

    5-5-5-5-5 (work to a heavy set and NOT a 5RM)

    Death By Pull Ups

    Minute 1 = 1 Pull Up
    Minute 2 = 2 Pull Ups
    Minute 3 = 3 Pull Ups
    Continue going up by 1 rep every minute until you fail to complete that number of pull ups in a Minute.

    (Feel free to pick between strict, kipping and chest to bar pull ups)