September 25, 2017
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Perform 1-5 reps EMOM x 10 minutes of one of the following…

    – Ring muscle-ups

    – Bar muscle-ups

    – Strict chest to bar pull-ups

    – Strict pull-ups

    Muscle-ups (Perform 1-5 reps EMOM x 10 minutes)

    Bar Muscle-ups (Perform 1-5 reps EMOM x 10 minutes)

    Strict Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (Perform 1-5 reps EMOM x 10 minutes)

    Strict Pull-ups (Perform 1-5 reps EMOM x 10 minutes)


    Back Rack Lunge (6 sets of 6 (total))


    Bar comes from the rack, step backwards, 3 reps each leg, does not have to be alternating.