October 10, 2022
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    Warm-Up (No Measure)

    2 ROUNDS

     – 20 Single Unders (2nd rnd DU)

     – 8 Air Squats to a WB

     – 8 PVC Pass Thrus

     – 8 PVC Around the World

     – 8 Scorpions


    Overhead Squat (4×4 @ 70-80%)

    4 Sets*

     – 4 Overhead Squats

    *All sets at same weight – 70-80%


    Metcon (Time)

    For Time:

     – 25 Fat Bar Overhead Squats* (45/35) [RX+ 75/55]
     – 50 Double Unders [RX+ 100 DU]
     – 25 Fat Bar Overhead Squats* (45/35) [RX+ 75/55]
     – 50 Double Unders [RX+ 100 DU]
     – 25 Fat Bar Overhead Squats* (45/35) [RX+ 75/55]

    *From the Ground

    (Score is Time)