November 14, 2022
    by Alex Etzen


    Starting this week we will only have childcare Wednesday’s, Thursday’s, & Friday’s at the 9:15am class. Sorry for any inconvenience. Talk to Alex if you have any questions.

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    Please welcome Tim & Laura with Mute Sports Equipment. They will be joining us for each class to do a 20 minute clinic on double unders.


    Warm-Up (No Measure)

    2:00 Row or AB or Ski Erg

    Immediately Into…

    2 SETS

     – 8 Good Mornings

     – 8/8 Standing Leg Swings

     – 8/8 Single Leg Glute Bridge-Up

     – 4 Scap Pull-Ups

     – 2  Inch Worms

     – 30 Single Unders


    Max Double-Unders (AMRAP – Reps)

    Max set of Unbroken Double-Unders
    Spend 20 minutes working on your double unders!  If you have them, do a max set and enter in My F.I.T. Number.  (A coach or designee must be counting!) You could also work on Triple Unders!


    Metcon (Time)

    For Time:

     – 75 Double Unders [RX+ 150 DU]
     – 75 Sit-Ups

     – 50 Lunges

     – 25 Pull-Ups [RX+ C2B]
     – 50 Lunges

     – 75 Sit-Ups

     – 75 Double Unders [RX+ 150 DU]

    (Score is Time)