May 13, 2014
    by Alex Etzen


    I am so proud of everyone that did Fran yesterday! We saw a lot of people push the intensity. I know the coaches pushed everyone to have the right weight and I think everyone did. Something to remember about a workout like this. In CrossFit we work on technique/skill and then ramp up the intensity. I know a lot of you can move the Rx’d weight but with this workout we want you to keep good form and range of motion and be as intense as humanly possible. NEVER STOPPING TO REST! That 3 to 7 minutes of going all out should hurt so bad when you’re done you can’t even stand. Next time someone tells you that you can’t get a good workout in 5min you’ll have to do everything you can to not knock them on their butt.


    3 Rounds Of:
    – 500m Row
    – 50 Double Unders
    – 25 Push Ups

    Today’s Results