February 29, 2016
    by Alex Etzen

    The new year challenge ended with these places. If you haven’t got your prizes find Alex. Those are some very impressive numbers!
    1. James Schellman – 1,171
    2. Shmoo (Kelly) – 1,152
    3. Deb Etzen – 1,150
    4. Larry Gaskell – 1,130
    5. Craig jones – 1,089
    6. Alison Cagaanan – 1,062
    7. Greg Huey – 1,030
    8. Dustin LaButte – 997

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Clean (3-3-3-3-3)

    Touch and go cleans.


    Metcon (Weight)

    10 Minute EMOM:

    -Pwr Cln-Hang Pwr Cln-Hang Squat Cln

    -6 Box Jumps
    Do the clean complex around 75% of your 3 rep touch-and-go cleans.

    Push yourself on the box jump height, but try to make sure they are jumps.