We have a few people doing the Tough Mudder on Saturday 7/22 at 8am. Use code XSCF to get a discount. Let Alex know if plan to do it.
The in-house team competition!
ONLY 32 total spots! Sign up ASAP. The early sign up price is $30 if you sign up before 8/1 and $40 if you wait until August to sign up. Use the link below to sign up.
It will be on Saturday, August 26th from 8am to 4pm.
Just remember all you have to do is sign up and we’ll build teams for everyone.
This competition is designed to push the most advanced athletes as well as allowing a new athlete to compete and help the team.
Talk to a coach if you have any questions.
XS CrossFit – Barbell Club
Metcon (No Measure)
7 Reverse Hypers
15 Slam Balls
45 Sec. Handstand Hold/Nose to Wall
*3 Rounds, NFT
Bench Press (5@60%
3@85 x 2)
Romanian Deadlift (10×3 @ 50-60% of DL
*OK to Build)
From the rack (mid thigh). 1 small step out from the rig. With straight, but soft, knees lower the weight down the legs, maintaining a rigid back, until hamstrings are completely loaded then return to finished Deadlift position.