January 2, 2017
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit



    15 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy clean and jerk. Work on both power or squat clean and push jerk or split jerk. DO NOT max out!

    Metcon (Time)


    -5 Rope Climbs (15′)

    -5 Clean & Jerks (115/85#)

    -4 Rope Climbs

    -4 Clean & Jerks (135/95#)

    -3 Rope Climbs

    -3 Clean & Jerks (155/105#)

    -2 Rope Climbs

    -2 Clean & Jerks (175/115#)

    -1 Rope Climb

    -1 Clean & Jerk (185/125#)
    Each athlete will load their own bar.

    RX+ weights:

    5@ 145/115#

    4@ 165/125#

    3@ 185/135#

    2@ 205/145#

    1@ 225/155#

    RX+ is event 3 from the 2011 CrossFit Games.