Get the most accurate body fat test possible. Do the InBody (body fat) test at Nutrishop in the 24hr Fitness on Arapahoe Rd & Parker Rd. No appointment needed. Just show up.
Follow these steps below.
1. Try to do all your InBody tests at the same time of day.
2. Do not eat for 3-4 hours before testing.
3. Do not exercise for 6-12 hours before testing.
4. Ensure access to both feet with removable footwear and socks.
5. Do not drink caffeine 3-4 hours before testing and be well hydrated.
6. Do not shower or sauna immediately prior to test.
7. Avoid putting lotion on hands and feet before testing.
8. Individuals with pacemakers or other electronic devices should not use the InBody. If you have this let Alex know and we will do your body fat test a different way.
9. For women, avoid testing if you are pregnant or menstruating.
Here is the Nutrition link. Make sure to log your points for each day and the bonus points for the week.
Nutrition Challenge Teams have been posted! Go check them out on the challenge page.
XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
1 Set of 25ft Line Drills…
– Toe Walk
– Heel Walk
– Straight Leg Kicks
– Bear Crawl
– Quad Crawl
– 200m Row (2nd rnd 300m AB)
– 10 Alt. Forward BW Lunges w/ hands behind head* (2nd rnd Reverse Lunges)
– 8 Kip Swings
– 6 Empty Barbell “Up + Overs”**
**Bar starts in the front rack position. Dip + punch overhead, then gently lower & absorb the barbell on the back rack. Behind the neck push press to bring back to the front rack.
Metcon (Time)
– 1000m Row
– 50 Back Rack Lunges*
(65/45) [RX+95/65]
– 20 Toes to Bar [RX+ 30 T2B]
– 1500m AB
– 40 Back Rack Lunges(65/45) [RX+95/65]
– 15 Toes to Bar [RX+ 25 T2B]
– 500m Row
– 30 Back Rack Lunges(65/45) [RX+95/65]
– 10 Toes to Bar [RX+ 20 T2B]
*Barbell from the Floor.
(Score is Time)