February 25, 2014
    by Alex Etzen

    The west door has concrete drying so please go in the door by the tent.

    The CrossFit Open starts Thursday night! Sign up NOW! Here is the link http://games.crossfit.com/announcements/registration-2014-open-live. We’ll be having a meeting with all the people registered for the open during the 1st wod announcement this Thursday evening at 6pm. There will be no 7:30pm class on Thursday.

    -Kelly’s Birthday WOD-

    Kelly Gras TABATA

    – Tabata Prayer Hold  (25# men/15# women)
    – Tabata Russian Twist  (35# men/25# women) round with lowest reps is your score
    – Tabata Wall Balls  (20# men/14# women) round with lowest reps is your score
    – Tabata 5m Pinch Grip Run (35# men/25# women) round with lowest reps is your score
    – Tabata Overhead Lunges w/ Weight (35# men/25# women) round with lowest reps is your score

    Hold a plank as long as possible to a 4minutes 10 seconds cut off. For every 10sec plank you get 1pt and for every 1 minute you get a bonus of 4 to equal 10pts. (Plank for 2min 46sec = 24pts) If you are able to hold a plank for 4 minutes 10 seconds, without touching knees to ground, you get 41pts.

    If you beat the birthday boy RX, you receive an award.  Check out the website once scores are posted, to find out what present you receive.

    Today’s Results