August 22, 2022
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    August Athlete of the Month is Brittany O. You can find her constantly at the 5:15am class. She has made huge improvements over the past year and has the goal of a bar muscle up this year. Keep up the hard work Brittany!


    Metcon (No Measure)

    2 Rounds

     – 10/8 Cal AB

     – 8 Scap Push-Ups

     – 8 Sit-Ups

     – 8 BB Clean Shrugs

     – 8 Scorpions


    Bench Press (6-6-6*)

    3 Sets

     – 6 Bench Press


    (Score is Weight)


    Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

    On a 15 Minute Running Clock –


     – 40/30 Cal AB

    Then AMRAP of:

     – 15 Wall Sit-Ups

     – 10 Burpees over the Bar

     – 5 Power Cleans (135/95) [RX+ 185/135]

    (Score is Rounds + Reps)