April 24, 2017
    by Alex Etzen


    Sign up for a Murph T-shirt or Tank ASAP to make sure you get the size you want. Each Shirt is $30 with $5 from each shirt going to the Motorcycle Relief Project and $5 from each shirt going to the Murph Foundation. For more info and to see the Layout for the 2017 Murph shirt check out this link https://xscrossfit.com/event/murph-shirt-sign-up/

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Metcon (No Measure)


    MIN 1: 10 bar facing burpees

    MIN 2: 5 power snatch @ 65-70%

    MIN 3: 100m sprint (50m out and back)

    MIN 4: 30 sec AMRAP double unders (0:00-0:30)

    MIN 5: 15 wall ball shots (20#-10’/14#-9′)
    No score. Scale reps, weight, or distance as necessary. Goal is great technique first, then intensity.