XS Christmas Party Sign Up.
The Christmas party this year will be at XS on Saturday 12/17 starting at 5pm. It will be a potluck with a Rowling tournament and a White elephant gift exchange Max $25. You can now sign up by going to 12/17 on the Wodify app schedule and reserving your spot on Potluck, Rowling, and White Elephant.
Time to sign up for the Nutrition Challenge! All you have to do right now is sign up at the link below to get the early bird discount $35. After the 25th the price will be $45. You’ll be able to say who will be on your 3 person team later.
– The Nutrition Challenge will be 12 weeks long and starting on January 9th.
– You’ll get a body fat test done at the start.
– 6 weeks will be logging everyday for points.
– You’ll get a 2nd body fat test done at 6 weeks.
– The next 6 weeks will be on your own trying to keep what you have started going.
– You’ll do a 3rd body fat test at the end of 12 weeks.
– We will have prizes for the top 3 person teams.
Talk to a coach if you have any questions.
XS CrossFit – Barbell Club
Metcon (No Measure)
10 Front Rack Lunges (Bar Only)
10 Strict Press in Split Position (Bar Only)
5 Burpee Box Jumps (Try for higher Boxes)
3 Rounds, NFT
Front Squat (Max Out)
Build in Weight for either a Heavy Single or Max Out