October 20, 2016
    by Alex Etzen


    Starting Saturday October 22nd, we will be introducing our XS Barbell program. Classes will be held every Saturday and Sunday at 11am for an hour. The focus will be strength and technique in the Olympic lifts and powerlifting movements. This class will be available to all current XS CrossFit members at no extra charge. The inaugural weekend will focus on the introduction of the movements we intend to cover. For any other questions please reach out to Art Alva at [email protected].

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Metcon (Time)

    LEVEL 1

    1 Round for Time:


    -500 Meter Row

    -40 Air Squats

    -30 Wall Sit Ups

    -20 Knee Push Ups

    -10 Ring Rows

    Metcon (Time)

    LEVEL 2

    2 Rounds for Time:


    -500 Meter Row

    -40 Air Squats

    -30 Wall Sit Ups

    -20 Push Ups

    -10 Pull Ups

    Metcon (Time)

    LEVEL 3

    2 Rounds for Time:


    -500 Meter Row

    -40 Goblet Squats at 53/35 lbs.

    -30 Wall Sit Ups

    -20 Deficit Push Ups (on 45/25# plates)

    -10 Strict Pull Ups