October 11, 2017
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Every rep that is not completed within the 10-minute time cap results in a 1-second penalty per rep. Refer to score sheet for additional masters weights and movements.

    L3: Metcon (Time)

    Lurong Level 3

    FOR TIME (10 min cap)

    -10 Deadlifts (225/175#)

    -20 Double-unders

    -8 Deadlifts

    -40 Double-unders

    -6 Deadlifts

    -60 Double-unders

    -4 Deadlifts

    -80 Double-unders

    -2 Deadlifts

    -100 Double-unders

    L2: Metcon (Time)

    Lurong Level 2

    FOR TIME (10 min cap)

    -10 Deadlifts (185/145#)

    -10 Double-unders or 20 singles

    -8 Deadlifts

    -20 Double-unders or 40 singles

    -6 Deadlifts

    -30 Double-unders or 60 singles

    -4 Deadlifts

    -40 Double-unders or 80 singles

    -2 Deadlifts

    -50 Double-unders or 100 singles

    L1: Metcon (Time)

    Lurong Level 1

    FOR TIME (10 min cap)

    -10 Deadlifts (135/95#)

    -20 singles-unders

    -8 Deadlifts

    -40 single-unders

    -6 Deadlifts

    -60 singles-unders

    -4 Deadlifts

    -80 single-unders

    -2 Deadlifts

    -100 single-unders


    Bench Press (3-3-3-3-3+)

    Warm up properly, then work up to a heavy 3 rep bench press. On 5th and final set go for max reps. Last set should be around 80-85% of 1RM.