November 23, 2022
    by Alex Etzen


    Thanksgiving Schedule:

    Thursday 11/24

    • 10:00am free partner WODw/ childcare.
    • 11:00am to Noon Open Gym

    Friday 11/25

    • 8:15am
    • 9:15am
    • Noon (Open Gym)
    • 2:15pm
    • 3:30pm


    • Back to a normal schedule.

    Email [email protected] if you have any questions.

    XS Christmas Party

    The Christmas party this year will be at XS on Saturday 12/17 starting at 5pm. It will be a potluck with a Rowling tournament and a White elephant gift exchange. The sign up and more information will be coming soon.

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Metcon (Time)

    Turkey’s Revenge

    With a partner, complete the following:

    (Where indicated, both partners work at the same time on opposite movements and switch intermittently until complete)

    *20 CALS AAB Between Each Round (10 each)

    We’re going on a turkey hunt!

    Row 1000m switch every 250m

    The turkey ran over a stream and climbed a mountain… Go after it!

    90 Double Unders / 90 Mountain Climbers

    Turkey jumped into a tree… Help your partner climb up into it!

    80 Pullups / 80 Push Press (95/65)

    Turkey jumped out of the tree and ran through a forest… Jump over the fallen trees!

    70 Box Jump Overs/ 70 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)

    Turkey got away, but you see it hiding in the bush… sneak up to it!

    60 Front Rack Lunges (95/65) / 60 Burpees

    Let’s see how good of a shot you are!

    50 Wall Ball Shots EACH, one partner resting

    You missed! You will eat vegetables… Pick ‘em!

    40 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) / 40 KB Swings (53/35)

    Now pick your vegetables up and carry ‘em home!

    300m Farmer’s Carry per person (alternating 50m segments)

    One last ditch effort to lure the turkey back out with an elaborate turkey mating ritual dance!

    20 Wall Walks, one partner resting… or making turkey calls

    You asked for it… the turkey heard your call and has the hots for you now… Run and Hide!

    10 Suicides / partner holds plank

    Your welcome!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!