July 19, 2017
    by Alex Etzen


    The XS CrossFit in-house competition is on Sunday July 30th. If you haven’t competed in one of our competitions they are a blast! Anyone and everyone in the adult classes can do it. Sign up on the whiteboard in the gym OR at this link https://xscrossfit.com/event/in-house-competition-4-member-teams/ before Saturday July 22nd. We will make the teams and announce them Monday July 24th. The cost is $30. If you have any questions please talk to a coach or email [email protected].
    Come join us for Casey’s going away BBQ today (7/21) at 6:30pm. We’ll have the grill going so feel free to bring some meat.

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Power Snatch

    Work up to a heavy power snatch for the day.


    Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

    8 MIN AMRAP:

    -24 Double-unders

    -4 Power snatch (135/95#)

    -4 Bar-facing burpees