July 10, 2014
    by Alex Etzen

    Flag football practice at 7:30pm at XS CrossFit and the game will be at 9:30pm.

    Kudos to everyone who came to run yesterday in the heat. We saw some great 400m PR times, and everybody persevered and did great with the long run. Nice work!

    Today we hit week three of the Isolate Series. Think the box steps have been hard? Get ready, today we add weight! It’s going to be tough and you might be sore, but remember your body can stand almost anything, it is only your mind you have to convince.

    Keep working on the strict movements today and you will see gains as we keep progressing.

    Isolate Series

    3RDS Not for Time
    – 12 StepUp Each Leg (18/12″ with (10/5#) dumbells in each hand)
    – 12 walking lunges each leg (26/18#KB) each hand
    – 12 SLDL each leg (18/10)
    – 12 Bent Over Rows each arm (20/10#)


    8min AMRAP
    3-6-9 = 1 Round
    – Burpees
    – Pull Ups

    When you finish the 9 reps of each then you mark 1 round and start back at 3 reps of each movement.

    Today’s Results