January 13, 2016
    by Alex Etzen

    Here is something to think about by new XS coach Chris Dudley.


    What does that word really mean? By definition, the sport that we love engrains this word in its very core. Constantly varied, functional movement performed at high intensity! But what does this entail, really? Trying hard? Giving it 100%? Maybe, but how can we even define that?

    I heard a member say this week that the open workouts, which are coming up in just over a month, were not as intense as our daily WODs, in that member’s opinion. This was quickly countered by others as not the case, that open workouts were much more intense. A seasoned coach then went on to state that the open workouts tend to be more difficult due to the intensity demonstrated due to the competitive atmosphere. In other words, in order to do better in a competition, it’s human nature to give more effort when competing against others than one would alone. Ok, this makes perfect sense! I could run a much faster 5k if I was chasing someone (or being chased for that matter) than I could on a leisurely Sunday afternoon run, completely logical. Does this mean I give more effort when I’m competing? Absolutely! Yes I am trying hard alone but there is that intangible instinct, that boost of adrenaline, that competitive spirit that pushes us that much harder during competition.

    What if we can change this? What if we really can rewire our brains and bodies to push that hard ALL OF THE TIME and not just when it ‘counts’? At the end of the day, it all counts! Every WOD, mobility movement, meal, full night of sleep, all of it!

    We have all heard the saying, “Everyone wants to be a beast….until it comes time to do what beasts do”. I love this with every ounce of my soul! We all want to be stronger, faster, leaner and just better. That’s why we come to XS day in and day out! Walking through that door each day is 99% of that battle!

    But what about that last 1%?

    As the open approaches, I challenge each of you to find that intensity inside of you. That extra rep, 5 more pounds, new PR, cutting out the junk food, whatever it may be! If we can find this within ourselves, to make every WOD as intense as an open WOD, to TRULY give 100% in everything you do, in and out of the box, then we are doing what beasts do!

    If you aren’t getting better, you’re getting worse…my definition of complacency. We have 6 weeks to be beasts, it’s time to do what they do.
    Are you ready?

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    Front Squat (5-3-3-1-1-1RM)

    500m Row (Time)

    Max Effort 500m Row

    CrossFit Games Open 12.1 (AMRAP – Reps)

    7-Minute AMRAP of:
    – Burpees to a 6″ target