August 3, 2016
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Clean Complex

    15 minutes to establish a 1RM for the following complex:

    -1 deadlift

    -1 hang clean (pwr or squat)

    -1 squat clean from the floor

    -1 jerk
    The complex must be completed “touch and go” with no resting of the barbell on the floor between movements.


    Metcon (Time)

    For time:

    – 15 snatch (75/55)

    – 20 ski jumps OTB

    – 25 deadlifts (75/55)

    – 30 cal row

    – 25 deadlifts (75/55)

    – 20 ski jumps OTB

    – 15 snatch (75/55)