October 5, 2015
    by Alex Etzen

    The Saturday team competition was a blast! The difference between the 2nd and 4th place team was 1 second out of 14 minutes on the last workout! I want to thank everyone that came out and gave it their all. We also had a lot of volunteer judges that helped so much and we truly couldn’t have done it without all of you. I want to also thank TJ for helping manage and run the full competition. We have such a great community! I had many goals when I started XS CrossFit 4 years ago but one thing I never imagined was how close of a community we would have. I consider myself extremely lucky to know and call all of you friends.

    Here is a picture of the top 3 Teams at the competition!
    2015-10-04 22.32.41

    Here is a picture of the top 8 out of 24 people in the rowling competition. Thanks to everyone that was able to make it to the BBQ. I know it was a long day with a lot of competition but I enjoyed every minute of it!
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    There will be no child care at the 9:30am class today but there will be on Wednesday. Please let me know if child care is something you like seeing but if another class time works better for you.


    Back Squat

    10min AMRAP Of:
    – 4 Strict Handstand Push Ups (No Kipling!)
    – 8 KB Swings 70/53#
    – 12 stick Jumps (22/16″)

    (Keep strict HSPU Mods like Box HSPU)