October 28, 2023
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    Warm-Up (No Measure)

    200m Ski

    Back Extensions x 10

    DB Flys x 10

    Dips x 10
    3 Rounds NFT


    Bench Press (5/55%, 5/65%, 3/75%, 3/80%, 3+/85%)

    85% is a 3+ max

    Record number of reps at 85%


    Squat Clean (Build to Heavy Single for the day)

    Max out, no more than 3 fails

    Record heaviest single

    Accessory Work

    Farmer’s Carry (400m, rest as needed.
    Male = 2×50’s or 70’s
    Female = 2×35’s or 50’s)