The in-house team competition!
ONLY 32 total spots! Sign up ASAP. The early sign up price is $30 if you sign up before 8/1 and $40 if you wait until August to sign up. Use the link below to sign up.
It will be on Saturday, August 26th from 8am to 4pm.
Just remember all you have to do is sign up and we’ll build teams for everyone.
This competition is designed to push the most advanced athletes as well as allowing a new athlete to compete and help the team.
Talk to a coach if you have any questions.
XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
7/7 KB Snatch
5-7 strictPullups
10 KB Sumo DL High Pull
*3 Rounds NFT
Supine Tricep Extensions (4 x 10)
On a flat bench start with the arms locked out over the shoulders, flex the arms back behind the head (as far back as your mobility will allow), elbows will roughly be about forehead level, then re-extend the arms back the lock out.
Dumbbell Z Press (4 x 8 (build))
Overhead Press from the seated position on the ground