Turkey Challenge!
We have a few teams doing the Turkey Challenge CrossFit competition Saturday (11/19) and Sunday (11/20). Feel free to come watch and cheer everyone on.
Location: Sports Stable, 1 Superior Dr, Superior, CO 80027
Teams and Heat Times:
– Top Buns (Katie M., Amanda N., Josh R., Ryan N.)
*Saturday 8:45am, 12:55pm, 2:22pm
*Sunday 8:45am, 12:22pm
– XS JV Squad (Taylor T., Megan L., Brett W., Alec M.)
*Saturday 9:00am, 1:17pm, 2:37pm
*Sunday 9:03am, 12:41pm
– Racks & Sacks (AlyM., Kris B., Kade S., Alex E.)
*Saturday 10:20am, 1:22pm, 3:12pm
*Sunday 10:38am, 2:21pm
– Full Sent (Nichol G., Brian M.)
*Saturday 10:55am, 1:52pm, 4:01pm
*Sunday 11:19am, 3:04pm
For more info go to https://www.turkeychallenge.com/
XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
10 Calorie Row
10 C2 Crunches
10 Romanian DL
3 Rounds, NFT
Back Squat (Max Out)
Build in Weight for either a Heavy Single or Max Out.