February 24, 2023
    by Alex Etzen


    Here is the Nutrition link. Make sure to log your points for each day and the bonus points for the week.


    The Open Leaderboard is up!

    Here is the link to view the Leaderboard.


    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    Warm-up (No Measure)

    3 Rounds NFT

    10/7 Cal AAB

    10 muscle cleans

    5 jump squats

    10 push ups


    Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk (20 minutes to build)

    Work to a heavy single of this complex

    Pause Front Squat + Front Squat (7 sets, 3 second pause (1+2))

    Accessory Work

    4 Rounds:

    15 Bent over row

    10 DB Z Press