November 11, 2022

Starting next week we will only have childcare Wednesday’s, Thursday’s, & Friday’s at the 9:15am class. Sorry for any inconvenience. Talk to Alex if you have any questions.
XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
7 Reverse Hypers
15 Slam Balls
45 Sec. Handstand Hold/Nose to Wall
*3 Rounds, NFT
Bench Press (5@65%, 5@75, 5@85, 3@90, 1+@92)
Record max reps at 92%
Romanian Deadlift (10×3 @ 50-60% of DL)
From the rack (mid thigh). 1 small step out from the rig. With straight, but soft, knees lower the weight down the legs, maintaining a rigid back, until hamstrings are completely loaded then return to finished Deadlift position.