August 18, 2023
    by Alex Etzen


    The in-house team competition!

    The teams are posted! Here is a link to the event page.

    Judge Sign Up!

    Click on the link below to sign up to Judge/help at the In-house team comp. We really appreciate any help you can give. The event is from 8am to 4pm. You don’t need to be here for the full event in order to Judge or help with WOD setup. On the sign up you can list what time you’ll be there to help out.

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    3 rounds NFT

    14 Alternating DB Snatch

    10 DB suitcase deadlift

    10 DB Row


    Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance (20 minutes to build)

    Work to a heavy single of the following complex:
    Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance


    Clean Pull + Squat Clean (Build to 70%, then 5 x 3 )

    Accessory Work

    40 GHD Situps

    40 Slam Ball Over Shoulder (Heavy)

    *complete in anyway and any order