October 27, 2011
    by Alex Etzen

    CrossFit = Your butt in shape
     This add has been floating around on Facebook for a while and I’m posting it because it’s good to see Nike promoting strength and beauty combined in the same package.  If there’s anything that we’ve learned from the CrossFit movement at large it’s that the perception of what is beautiful in women is rapidly changing (hopefully we’re leading the charge).  I defend CrossFit on a weekly basis from the statement, “Well, I don’t do CrossFit because I don’t want to get big and bulky.”  I tell most women that this is like showing up at a driving range having never golfed and saying, “I don’t want to golf because I’m worried that I’m going to get as good as Tiger Woods.”  For those of you that worry that if you start CrossFitting that you’ll suddenly wake up one morning weighing 240# with 4% bodyfat, please call me if it happens. I’ll be holding my breath until then…  For those of you that realize that strength and curvature are actually attractive in women because it’s healthy (go figure, a beauty standard that actually has something to do with health), keep fighting the good fight.  We’re right there with you.


    • 50 Curtis P’s for time