September 25, 2022
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Warm-up (No Measure)

    1 Round

    – 20 Single Unders

    – 10 Scap Push-Ups

    – 10 Ring Knee Ups

    – 10 Slow Deadbugs


    – 20 Double Unders

    – 7 Knee Push-Ups or Push-Ups

    – 7 Scap Ring Pull Ups

    – :30 Hollow Hold


    – 20 Double unders

    – 5 Hand Release Push-Ups

    – 5 Toes thru Rings

    – 3 Burpees


    Bench Press (4 x 4 @ 70-80%)

    4 Sets*

     – 4 Bench Press

    *All sets at same weight – 70-80%

    (Score is Weight)


    A: 300-100-100 (AMRAP – Rounds)

    In as Few Sets as Possible -(AFSAP) 25 min Time Cap

    -300 Double Unders

    -100 Push Ups

    -100 Toes thru rings

    Break up as needed between movements. Every time you break that’s 1 set. Fewest sets possible in the 25 minute Time Cap.

    ***If you trip on Double Unders and want to redo that set you can.***
    It is ok to pike in-between your push ups but you can’t take your hands off of the ground.

    B: 100-60-60 (AMRAP – Rounds)

    In as Few Sets as Possible -(AFSAP) 25 min Time Cap

    -100 Double Unders

    -60 Push Ups

    -60 Toes thru Rings

    Break up as needed between movements. Every time you break that’s 1 set. Fewest sets possible in the 25 minute Time Cap.

    ***If you trip on Double Unders and want to redo that set you can.***
    It is ok to pike in-between your push ups but you can’t take your hands off of the ground.

    C: 300-60-60 (AMRAP – Rounds)

    In as Few Sets as Possible -(AFSAP) 25 min Time Cap

    -300 Single Unders

    -60 Box Push ups @ 20″ Box

    -60 Ring Knee Raises

    Break up as needed between movements. Every time you break that’s 1 set. Fewest sets possible in the 25 minute Time Cap.

    ***If you trip on Single Unders and want to redo that set you can.***
    It is ok to pike in-between your push ups but you can’t take your hands off of the ground.