XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2:00 Row or AB
2 Rounds
– 10 Alt. Step-ups
– :30 Butcher Block Stretch
– 8 PVC Overhead Squats to Med Ball
– 8 Scap Push-ups
– 8 Wall Ball Thrusters
– 6 Sit-ups
Bench Press (1×5@50%
1×3 @70%
1×3 @80%
1×3+ @90%)
*Based off of 90-95% of Heavy 1-Rep. If you hit 10+ reps last week, increase weight a small amount this week (5 or so pounds). If it was less than 10 reps last week, keep weight the same and try for more reps this week!
(Score is Weight)
Second section of calculator!
Overhead Squat (1×5@50%
1×3 @70%
1×3 @80%
1×3+ @90%)
*Based off of 90-95% of Heavy 1-Rep. If you hit 10+ reps last week, increase weight a small amount this week (5 or so pounds). If it was less than 10 reps last week, keep weight the same and try for more reps this week!
(Score is Weight)
Second section of calculator!
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP X 10 Minutes
– 20 Sit-ups to Box
– 15 Wall Balls (14/10) [RX+ 20/14]
– 5 Box Jumps (24/20) [RX+ 30/24]
(Score is Rounds and Reps)