November 20, 2022
    by Alex Etzen


    Thanks to everyone who came to support us at the Turkey Challenge this past weekend! We had so many members show up to watch and it shows how great our community is!

    Thanksgiving Schedule:

    Thursday 11/24

    • 10:00am free partner WODw/ childcare.
    • 11:00am to Noon Open Gym

    Friday 11/25

    • 8:15am
    • 9:15am
    • Noon (Open Gym)
    • 2:15pm
    • 3:30pm


    • Back to a normal schedule.

    Email [email protected] if you have any questions.

    XS Christmas Party

    The Christmas party this year will be at XS on Saturday 12/17 starting at 5pm. It will be a potluck with a Rowling tournament and a White elephant gift exchange. The sign up and more information will be coming soon.

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Warm-up (No Measure)

    1 ROUND

    – 100m Row

    – 25 Single Unders

    – :20 Tuck Hold

    – 10 SB Deadlifts

    – 100m Row

    – 20 High Jump Singles Unders

    – 10 Tuck-Ups

    – 10 SB G2OH


    Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

    IN TEAMS OF 2…


    – 30 Double Unders*

    – 20 Sit-Ups

    – 10 Slam Balls (35/20) [RX+ 45/35]

    *P1 completes 250m Row while P2 completes AMRAP. Once P1 completes Row, P2 Rows for 250m and P1 picks up where P2 left off in AMRAP.

    (Score is Total Rounds + Reps)

    Metcon (Distance)

    Row Distance
    Enter total Row Distance from Partner Workout here.