November 17, 2014
    by Alex Etzen

    We have a number people that have told me they would like to be on the indoor coed soccer team. If you are confident that you want to do it please pay the $50 asap.

    We had a great turnout of people for the sponsor a soldier WOD. You can continue to make donations to sponsor a soldier for the next week. We are at $187.00 and the goal is to hit $300. Thanks to everyone who has donated.


    For Max Weight Moved:
    8 Minute cutoff at each movement /2 Minute Transition
    – 12 Reps Deadlift
    – 12 Reps Jerk (from rack)
    – 12 Reps Front Squat (from rack)
    Score is the weight of all 36 lifts added together.
    A failed lift attempt counts as a rep, but gets a 0 score.

    Today’s Results