November 13, 2022
    by Alex Etzen


    Starting this week we will only have childcare Wednesday’s, Thursday’s, & Friday’s at the 9:15am class. Sorry for any inconvenience. Talk to Alex if you have any questions.

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Warm-Up (No Measure)

    2 ROUNDS

     – 8/8 Banded Ankle Distractions*

     – 1:00 Row

     – 8 Alt. Scorpions


    1 ROUND

     – 5 Shuttle Runs

     – 8 Med. Ball Front Squats

     – 8 Med. Ball Push Press

    *Band attached at ankle height on rig. Place the band around the ankle or tongue of the shoe and step out (facing away from the rig), creating tension. Keep the whole foot on the ground and drive the knee forward/back for 8 reps. Then switch ankles. The foot with the band is the leading foot.


    Front Squat (6×5 @ 70-80%*)

    *Base percentages off 1-Rep Heavy.

    (Score is Weight)


    Metcon (Time)


    – 15/12 Cal Row – Rounds 1,3,5  ( – 10 x 25′ Down + Back Shuttle Run – Rounds 2, 4)

     – 25 Unbroken Wall Balls (14/10) [RX+ 20/14]*

    *If you break or drop the ball before 25 reps, perform 5 Burpees then continue until reach 25. Wall Balls must be performed in one continuous motion…no resting with the ball.

    (Score is Time)