June 19, 2016
    by Alex Etzen


    In House Competitions Save-the-Dates!
    This year we will be having 2 competitions available only to members of XS CrossFit!

    The first, on Saturday, July 30th, & similar to last year’s, will be teams of 4, made up by coaching staff, to create as much fun & equitable competition as possible. This competition is definitely for ANY member & everyone is encouraged to participate! We write the workouts so that everyone can work hard, sweat hard, & cheer hard.
    The second, on Saturday, September 17th, will be a Male-Female partner competition. You pick your partner. The competition will be a pound for pound competition – in other words, many of the weights prescribed, though not necessarily all, will be determined by your team’s bodyweight. If you are interested in this, but don’t necessarily have a partner, you can still sign up & we can get you set up with a partner!
    Sign up for both coming soon.
    Judges!! We will need you as well so be sure to sign up. You CAN judge and compete!

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Snatch Complex (6 x (1+1))

    Work to a max weight for the following complex:

    -1 Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch
    Do not drop the bar between snatches.


    Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

    AMRAP 16 Min:

    -8 Overhead Squats (95/65)

    -200m Run

    -8 Burpees (lateral over the bar)
    Mark the run at 50m increments and score 4 reps for each completed run.