July 28, 2014
    by Alex Etzen

    A very huge and special thank you to Pete, Dustin and Katelyn, Jeff, Bri, and Derek for all their help to Justin and T.J. moving them into their new house. One of the best things about our box is the community we have that jumps to help whenever they can. These guys were awesome Sunday!

    We had a bunch of people and kids compete in our mock USAWeightlifting meet on Saturday. Saw some great PRs! Even had a brand new member who has been doing on ramp participate and he did great, way to go Ethan. We had three kids compete and all three PR’d both the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. Could not be more proud of our future…. We will be doing another mock USAW meet in about 2 months. If you are interested, in either participation as an athlete or just volunteering to help run it, please let T.J. know, she would like to get a team together of help for announcing, clock running, attempt cards etc.






    -Libby’s Birthday WOD-

    For Time:
    – 38 Med Ball Sit-Ups (20/14#)
    – 38 Tire Flips
    – 38 Push Ups
    – 38 Floor T2KB with Med Ball between feet (4/2#)
    – 38 Walking Lunges
    – 38 Jumping Pull Ups
    – 38 Russian Twists (45/35#)

    Today’s Results