July 17, 2016
    by Alex Etzen


    In House Competitions Saturday, July 30th, & similar to last year’s, will be teams of 4, made up by coaching staff, to create as much fun & equitable competition as possible. This competition is definitely for ANY member & EVERYONE is encouraged to participate! We write the workouts so that everyone can work hard, sweat hard, & cheer hard.
    Sign up for the comp is available at the following link so get signed up today!
    Judges!! We will need you as well so be sure to sign up. You CAN judge and compete, just notate what you’d like to do when you sign up at the event page.

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Metcon (Time)

    Triplet of Couplets

    For Time Complete:

    3 ROUNDS:

    -6 Snatch (95/65#)

    -10 Handstand Push-ups

    REST 2 MIN

    3 ROUNDS:

    -6 Thruster (95/65#)

    -10 Pull-ups

    REST 2 MIN

    3 ROUNDS:

    -6 Power Clean (95/65#)

    -10 Burpees
    Athlete MUST use same weight for the 3 barbell movements. If you scale one, scale them all. Burpees are standard burpees, NOT over the bar.